Rome S01-E10
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Rome - Season 01 Episode 10
Les destins de deux soldats romains et de leurs familles alors que la République Romaine est en train de s'effondrer en laissant peu à peu la place à un Empire.Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
Diffusé: Nov 6, 2005
Résumé: Unanimously proclaimed Dictator by the Senate, Caesar pronounces the war over, and prepares for five days of feasting and games honoring his "triumph." No longer an enlisted soldier, Pullo eyes a pastoral future with Eirene, while Vorenus runs for municipal magistrate, with Posca's help.more...Unanimously proclaimed Dictator by the Senate, Caesar pronounces the war over, and prepares for five days of feasting and games honoring his "triumph." No longer an enlisted soldier, Pullo eyes a pastoral future with Eirene, while Vorenus runs for municipal magistrate, with Posca's help. Meanwhile, Octavian retrieves Octavia from her self-imposed exile. And Servilia invites a revenge-minded Quintus Pompey into her home, to Brutus' dismay.
Note: 7 Producteur: Alan Taylor Ecrivain: Adrian Hodges Invités: , Hugh Sachs, David Quinzi, Abhin Galeya, Peter-Hugo Daly, Dominic Coleman, Giovanni Calcagno, John Boswell,
Séries > SD
401.72 MB (100%)
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